Sunday 23rd August 2015

by lajos

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A backpack containing several knives and two canisters of the gasoline like liquid were discovered near the site, according to Kyoto police.As flames tore through the building an employee ran to report the fire. On his return, he saw the suspect lying on the ground about 100 meters away from the studio, police told CNN.The suspect, who suffered heavy burns to his face, legs, arms and torso, asked officers who had arrived to apprehend him “are you going to arrest me?”Footage from the scene Thursday showed thick smoke billowing out of the building, which is located in a residential area several kilometers south of Kyoto Station. It took four hours for firefighters to bring the blaze under control.Fire department officials confirmed that the building abided by fire prevention regulations.’A terrible loss for both humanity and art’Kyoto Animation’s CEO Hideaki Yata told reporters the company had received death threats by mail, which had been sent to the police, and expressed sorrow that workers in the industry had been targeted.”They are the people who carry the Japan’s animation industry on their shoulders.

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