Sunday 24th January 2016

by lajos

Fox News personalities have decried what they call denials of “basic freedoms”.Armed protesters stormed the Michigan state capitol, demanding the “freedom” to work. At the Kentucky statehouse, protesters shouted “We want to work!” and “We’re free citizens!”Related: How the ‘Plandemic’ conspiracy theory took holdBut the supposed “freedom” to work is a cruel joke when people are forced to choose between putting food on the table or risking their lives. It’s the same perverse ideology that put workers in harm’s way in the dawn of the industrial age, when robber barons demanded workers be “free” to work in dangerous factories 12 hours a day.In truth, there is no good reason to reopen when the pandemic is still raging: not getting the economy moving again, or workers clamoring to return to work, or the cost of extended income support, or because workers should be “free” to endanger themselves.Let’s be clear.

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