Monday 7th March 2016

by lajos

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wholesale nba jerseys from china Anaheim Ducks// you adopted so many teams because your faves keep getting traded, has written Mr/Mrs. Favorite player name unironically, your entire paycheck/ savings goes to something hockey related and you ain even mad, anyone asks if you have a boyfriend and you have to try your hardest not to blurt out your fave nameArizona Coyotes// your team always scores when you leave the room (making you wonder if its worth it to watch the game), you can barely see the number but you still know who out on the ice, player name looked so much better clean shaven younger too!, likes/ dislikes certain teams because of the logo or mascotCalgary Flames// has never seen a game in person reads self insert fanfics and cries afterward, to the refs come ON, how could you not see that??!? actually plays hockey, it to the point that people know you/ refer to you as hockey fan Oilers// the Alternate/ Winter Classic/ Stadium series was soooo much better than their normal jersey!!, very loyal to your home team, watching interviews over and over because you faves are cute and because you looking for proof that they love each otherLos Angeles Kings// ride or die for your boys, nothing will destroy your mood faster than a loss, follows the AHL teams, sometimes looking at the IR list is worse than a player getting traded midseason, still not sure how you feel about Sidney CrosbySan Jose Sharks// would buy your pet a jersey of your home team, you end up loving a player you swore you hated, loves Winter just because of hockey, you try to insert hockey talk into at LEAST one conversation a dayVancouver Canucks// lowkey interested in NWHL, spends hours dreaming up the perfect line/ defense pair, I can work/ do that/ go there etc because I be watching hockey there at least one call per game that is complete BS (in your opinion, anyway)Vega Golden Knights// both of your faves are rivals with one another doesn have a home team so you adopted ALL the teams!!, if only player name would grow out their facial hair you don really know anything about the rules of the game but you know that you love it anywayTEAL Death Do Us Part: VIIOn October 2, 1992, Disney released The Mighty Ducks in theaters.In 1993, The Mighty Ducks of Anaheim were born. And owned by Disney.(woo ooh)Like most children in the world, after seeing The Mighty Ducks, I immediately kind of got into hockey, wanted a hockey stick and wanted to get on the ice (I saw it on VHS, not theaters, and I DISTINCTLY remember my first viewing, unlike most movies when I was seven years old).I wanted to be Charlie Conway, I didn know what the hell a triple deke was, but I wanted to do one anyway.In the UK, the movie was apparently titled, The Mighty Ducks are the Champions for video/DVD release.Shouldn the title be Spoiler Alert: The Mighty Ducks are the Champions?D2: The Mighty Ducks came next and out of all the 90s kids sports movies (Rookie of the Year, Little Big League, The Sandlot, The Big Green, Little Giants, Angels in the Outfield, etc wholesale nba jerseys from china.

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