Monday 21st September 2015

by lajos

And Mauer certainly wanted a deal done by spring training. If something happens this spring he twists a knee, he has his sacroiliac joint flare up, he wakes up with glaucoma that’s his problem. The Twins don’t share that risk. Actually, I have had a complete 180. But when I had my own money, I started buying stuff and I started using credit cards and I had an income and I was able to still save a little bit of money. I got started with buying a whole bunch of stuff and I was on that path for about 25 years..

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Now, after seeing the straightforward success of legal cannabis, progressive Oregonians are againlooking to relax legislation on a historically reviled drug: psilocybin. In fact, there is a loud minoritycalling for the decriminalization of all drugs. But what would the legalization of magic mushrooms andthe decriminalization of drugs in general do to Oregon?Oregon isn’t the first to discuss legalizing psilocybin it isn’t even the first to take serious steps towardlegalization.

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